My people!!!  My lovely people!!!  So, this is funny, I’ve talked to some of you recently, that maybe I haven’t spoken with in a while; I’ve had some interesting conversations and reactions from you about my trip. Some are surprised I’m still moving along out here in the world, some are curious of my plans moving forward, (oh yeah, I never told them the plan) and some of you are meeting me out here in Europe in the coming months… Yeah, baby – woot woot!!!

Here are a few of my favorite comments…

Supportive – “I’m so proud of what you’re doing, this is so great for you! I can tell this trip is healing your soul.” Awe, thanks…

Envious – “I wish I could shut down everything in my life and come join you. Not fair!!”

Listen, you can do it to if you really want to… And it’s more affordable than you think if you rough it a little (or a lot) and stay primarily in developing countries… Europe is killin’ the budget, but that was expected…. I’m pretty certain I can do a whole year with splurges thrown in, for less than $20k… And if you skipped Europe it could easily be done for less than $10k… The hardest part really is to make the decision to leave your life… It’s a radical life change, and my situation was unique where a lot of things ended/closed out all at once…

Surprised – “Wow, I can’t believe you’re doing so well at this solo traveling stuff, I thought you would’ve come home already. I didn’t think you had it in you… I’m impressed. Maybe I didn’t really know you after all.” Well, thank you… I think…

Drop Outs – “Nothing“ Wah, wah, wah K Sigh…

A few people I was close with when I left have sort of just dropped out of my life completely, and I never expected that to happen, and that’s been difficult for me… There’s a reason, I’m sure – maybe someday it will make sense. But I miss them, nonetheless.

Adventurous – “I’ll meet you in Europe, baby!!!” Why didn’t they want to meet me in India? I don’t understand… LOL… No matter… Yay, can’t wait to see you in Europe – so excited!!!!

So, as for the plan… When I decided to take this, “intrepid journey of spiritual growth and reflection,” as my friend Vicky calls it (love that description!), I had tentatively planned on being gone for a year. I probably didn’t mention a specific timeline to you, my friends and family, because, well, most everyone was giving me the, “you’re crazy” look when I told them about the trip, and I wasn’t altogether certain that I wasn’t… It definitely wasn’t the mainstream option for a major life transition… And, honestly, I didn’t know if I’d have the balls to handle all the challenges that came along with being a female solo traveler… I didn’t know how I’d do on my own… Or if I’d be unbearably lonely… Or if I’d get some crazy disease in India, or Malaria in Indonesia… I just didn’t know if I’d get my wings and fly, or crash and burn, so I may have been vague with everyone. Hell, I was so scared before I left, I wasn’t even sure I’d get on the plane until I actually did… But I had the consistent feeling I was doing the right thing and that if I got on that plane, everything else would fall into place… So far, so good…

So, for now, I’ll continue on the journey roaming the globe and finding my way. It may or may not turn out to be a whole year. I don’t want to give myself a specific time frame. I think it’s best to just see how I feel and what experiences I encounter and see where the wind takes me. I’ll know when it’s the right time to come home. I do think it’s one of the most unique experiences I could have chosen to put myself through, with different cultures, countries, religious dynamics, languages, transportation systems, etc. and it’s life changing, no doubt. Probably would’ve been a good reality show with all the crazy things I’ve encountered so far…

So if you were one of those people that didn’t really think I’d be gone this long, or that I wouldn’t go at all, don’t feel bad… It was a common thought amongst a lot of you – and I was doubtful myself… Overall though, it’s mostly going well – I can’t say it’s all moonbeams and butterflies… It’s challenging and sometimes exhausting – both mentally and physically… Like today, I’m feeling tired and alone – it’ s my last day in Italy and I’m off to Ireland tomorrow… And I’m ready to leave Venice, but don’t really feel like moving at all… Just want to veg somewhere comfortable and sleep in my own bed.. Ummm it’s in storage Eryn… Right.. I’m exhausted, having not slept well over the last week in my 16 bed mixed room hostel… My fault I booked so late for Venice. You have late night people, early morning people, snoring people, crinkling shopping bag people – people that hit snooze button 16 times… Grrrr, seriously I’m trying to sleep here!!! Earplugs just don’t cut it!!

Changing countries tomorrow, I’ll have to have to put on my A game – will have to figure out where I’m going when I get off the plane, what’s the best mode of transportation and navigate my way to a new location in a foreign town. Quit your bitchin’ Eryn, it’ll be the first country everyone speaks English – Yes!!  I have one night booked at a hostel in Dublin, and will have to figure out where I want to be after that. I’m considering a few options for my time in Ireland… I’m feeling the need to get back to nature, so I’m open to some form of camping if I can find a group to hang with… Or it’d be nice to rent one place for my several weeks there and settle in and regain some energy… Or I may rent a car and drive around lots of different places and get rooms whenever I decide to stop. Totally different options that will all lead to different experiences… So I’ll just have to see how I feel when I get there and who I meet.

Thanks to those who are still keeping up with me and checking in from time to time… It really does mean the world to me and it’s a reminder that I’m still loved and missed as I float around out here in the world.

My friend Siggy (soul sister, remember?) sent this video to me as it reminded her of both of us… I love it… It’s me… It’s her… It’s all of us soul searching solo female travelers out here…

Oh, and here are some pic’s from my time in Venice – Quite possibly the most beautiful city (although I’m pretty sure I think that same thought everywhere in Italy I visit). Needless to say, I’ve had some of the most amazing pasta, pizza, wine, cappuccinos, pastries and gelato on the planet… I’ve visited countless museums, churches and monuments… Been on dates where google translator was a necessity… Walked the shores of beaches, climbed towers and seen breathtaking views… Italy IS beautiful!!! But it’s time to say goodbye to this amazing, romantic country and hello to my Irish routes.  This Irish las will likely send the next post to you from a Dublin pub!

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